Source code for pynvim.plugin.decorators

"""Decorators used by python host plugin system."""

import inspect
import logging
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Union

from pynvim.compat import unicode_errors_default

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
    from typing_extensions import Literal
    from typing import Literal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
debug, info, warn = (logger.debug,, logger.warning,)
__all__ = ('plugin', 'rpc_export', 'command', 'autocmd', 'function',
           'encoding', 'decode', 'shutdown_hook')

T = TypeVar('T')
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])

[docs] def plugin(cls: T) -> T: """Tag a class as a plugin. This decorator is required to make the class methods discoverable by the plugin_load method of the host. """ cls._nvim_plugin = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] # the _nvim_bind attribute is set to True by default, meaning that # decorated functions have a bound Nvim instance as first argument. # For methods in a plugin-decorated class this is not required, because # the class initializer will already receive the nvim object. predicate = lambda fn: hasattr(fn, '_nvim_bind') for _, fn in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate): fn._nvim_bind = False return cls
def rpc_export(rpc_method_name: str, sync: bool = False) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Export a function or plugin method as a msgpack-rpc request handler.""" def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_rpc_method_name = rpc_method_name # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_rpc_sync = sync # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_bind = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_prefix_plugin_path = False # type: ignore[attr-defined] return f return dec
[docs] def command( name: str, nargs: Union[str, int] = 0, complete: Optional[str] = None, range: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, count: Optional[int] = None, bang: bool = False, register: bool = False, sync: bool = False, allow_nested: bool = False, eval: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Tag a function or plugin method as a Nvim command handler.""" def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_rpc_method_name = ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'command:{}'.format(name) ) f._nvim_rpc_sync = sync # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_bind = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_prefix_plugin_path = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] opts: Dict[str, Any] = {} if range is not None: opts['range'] = '' if range is True else str(range) elif count is not None: opts['count'] = count if bang: opts['bang'] = '' if register: opts['register'] = '' if nargs: opts['nargs'] = nargs if complete: opts['complete'] = complete if eval: opts['eval'] = eval if not sync and allow_nested: rpc_sync: Union[bool, Literal['urgent']] = "urgent" else: rpc_sync = sync f._nvim_rpc_spec = { # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'type': 'command', 'name': name, 'sync': rpc_sync, 'opts': opts } return f return dec
[docs] def autocmd( name: str, pattern: str = '*', sync: bool = False, allow_nested: bool = False, eval: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Tag a function or plugin method as a Nvim autocommand handler.""" def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_rpc_method_name = ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'autocmd:{}:{}'.format(name, pattern) ) f._nvim_rpc_sync = sync # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_bind = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_prefix_plugin_path = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] opts = { 'pattern': pattern } if eval: opts['eval'] = eval if not sync and allow_nested: rpc_sync: Union[bool, Literal['urgent']] = "urgent" else: rpc_sync = sync f._nvim_rpc_spec = { # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'type': 'autocmd', 'name': name, 'sync': rpc_sync, 'opts': opts } return f return dec
[docs] def function( name: str, range: Union[bool, str, int] = False, sync: bool = False, allow_nested: bool = False, eval: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Tag a function or plugin method as a Nvim function handler.""" def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_rpc_method_name = ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'function:{}'.format(name) ) f._nvim_rpc_sync = sync # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_bind = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_prefix_plugin_path = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] opts = {} if range: opts['range'] = '' if range is True else str(range) if eval: opts['eval'] = eval if not sync and allow_nested: rpc_sync: Union[bool, Literal['urgent']] = "urgent" else: rpc_sync = sync f._nvim_rpc_spec = { # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'type': 'function', 'name': name, 'sync': rpc_sync, 'opts': opts } return f return dec
def shutdown_hook(f: F) -> F: """Tag a function or method as a shutdown hook.""" f._nvim_shutdown_hook = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] f._nvim_bind = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return f def decode(mode: str = unicode_errors_default) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Configure automatic encoding/decoding of strings.""" def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_decode = mode # type: ignore[attr-defined] return f return dec def encoding(encoding: Union[bool, str] = True) -> Callable[[F], F]: """DEPRECATED: use pynvim.decode().""" if isinstance(encoding, str): encoding = True def dec(f: F) -> F: f._nvim_decode = encoding # type: ignore[attr-defined] return f return dec