Source code for pynvim.api.buffer

"""API for working with a Nvim Buffer."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import (Any, Iterator, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union, cast,

from pynvim.api.common import Remote
from pynvim.compat import check_async

    from pynvim.api import Nvim

__all__ = ('Buffer',)

def adjust_index(idx: int, default: Optional[int] = None) -> int:

def adjust_index(idx: Optional[int], default: int) -> int:

def adjust_index(idx: Optional[int], default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:

def adjust_index(idx: Optional[int], default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
    """Convert from python indexing convention to nvim indexing convention."""
    if idx is None:
        return default
    elif idx < 0:
        return idx - 1
        return idx

[docs] class Buffer(Remote): """A remote Nvim buffer.""" _api_prefix = "nvim_buf_" _session: "Nvim" def __init__(self, session: Nvim, code_data: Tuple[int, Any]): """Initialize from Nvim and code_data immutable object.""" super().__init__(session, code_data) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of lines contained in a Buffer.""" return self.request('nvim_buf_line_count') @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> str: # noqa: D105 ... @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: slice) -> List[str]: # noqa: D105 ... def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """Get a buffer line or slice by integer index. Indexes may be negative to specify positions from the end of the buffer. For example, -1 is the last line, -2 is the line before that and so on. When retrieving slices, omitting indexes(eg: `buffer[:]`) will bring the whole buffer. """ if not isinstance(idx, slice): i = adjust_index(idx) return self.request('nvim_buf_get_lines', i, i + 1, True)[0] start = adjust_index(idx.start, 0) end = adjust_index(idx.stop, -1) return self.request('nvim_buf_get_lines', start, end, False) @overload def __setitem__(self, idx: int, item: Optional[str]) -> None: # noqa: D105 ... @overload def __setitem__( # noqa: D105 self, idx: slice, item: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] ) -> None: ... def __setitem__( self, idx: Union[int, slice], item: Union[None, str, List[str]] ) -> None: """Replace a buffer line or slice by integer index. Like with `__getitem__`, indexes may be negative. When replacing slices, omitting indexes(eg: `buffer[:]`) will replace the whole buffer. """ if not isinstance(idx, slice): assert not isinstance(item, list) i = adjust_index(idx) lines = [item] if item is not None else [] return self.request('nvim_buf_set_lines', i, i + 1, True, lines) if item is None: lines = [] elif isinstance(item, str): lines = [item] else: lines = item start = adjust_index(idx.start, 0) end = adjust_index(idx.stop, -1) return self.request('nvim_buf_set_lines', start, end, False, lines) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Iterate lines of a buffer. This will retrieve all lines locally before iteration starts. This approach is used because for most cases, the gain is much greater by minimizing the number of API calls by transferring all data needed to work. """ lines = self[:] for line in lines: yield line def __delitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> None: """Delete line or slice of lines from the buffer. This is the same as __setitem__(idx, []) """ self.__setitem__(idx, None) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Test inequality of Buffers. Necessary for Python 2 compatibility. """ return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def append( self, lines: Union[str, bytes, List[Union[str, bytes]]], index: int = -1 ) -> None: """Append a string or list of lines to the buffer.""" if isinstance(lines, (str, bytes)): lines = [lines] return self.request('nvim_buf_set_lines', index, index, True, lines)
[docs] def mark(self, name: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return (row, col) tuple for a named mark.""" return cast(Tuple[int, int], tuple(self.request('nvim_buf_get_mark', name)))
[docs] def range(self, start: int, end: int) -> Range: """Return a `Range` object, which represents part of the Buffer.""" return Range(self, start, end)
[docs] def add_highlight( self, hl_group: str, line: int, col_start: int = 0, col_end: int = -1, src_id: int = -1, async_: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> int: """Add a highlight to the buffer.""" async_ = check_async(async_, kwargs, src_id != 0) return self.request( "nvim_buf_add_highlight", src_id, hl_group, line, col_start, col_end, async_=async_, )
[docs] def clear_highlight( self, src_id: int, line_start: int = 0, line_end: int = -1, async_: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Clear highlights from the buffer.""" async_ = check_async(async_, kwargs, True) self.request( "nvim_buf_clear_highlight", src_id, line_start, line_end, async_=async_ )
[docs] def update_highlights( self, src_id: int, hls: List[Union[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[str, int, int, int]]], clear_start: Optional[int] = None, clear_end: int = -1, clear: bool = False, async_: bool = True, ) -> None: """Add or update highlights in batch to avoid unnecessary redraws. A `src_id` must have been allocated prior to use of this function. Use for instance `nvim.new_highlight_source()` to get a src_id for your plugin. `hls` should be a list of highlight items. Each item should be a list or tuple on the form `("GroupName", linenr, col_start, col_end)` or `("GroupName", linenr)` to highlight an entire line. By default existing highlights are preserved. Specify a line range with clear_start and clear_end to replace highlights in this range. As a shorthand, use clear=True to clear the entire buffer before adding the new highlights. """ if clear and clear_start is None: clear_start = 0 lua = self._session._get_lua_private() lua.update_highlights(self, src_id, hls, clear_start, clear_end, async_=async_)
@property def name(self) -> str: """Get the buffer name.""" return self.request('nvim_buf_get_name') @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the buffer name. BufFilePre/BufFilePost are triggered.""" return self.request('nvim_buf_set_name', value) @property def valid(self) -> bool: """Return True if the buffer still exists.""" return self.request('nvim_buf_is_valid') @property def loaded(self) -> bool: """Return True if the buffer is valid and loaded.""" return self.request('nvim_buf_is_loaded') @property def number(self) -> int: """Get the buffer number.""" return self.handle
class Range: def __init__(self, buffer: Buffer, start: int, end: int): self._buffer = buffer self.start = start - 1 self.end = end - 1 def __len__(self) -> int: return self.end - self.start + 1 @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> str: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: slice) -> List[str]: ... def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: if not isinstance(idx, slice): return self._buffer[self._normalize_index(idx)] start = self._normalize_index(idx.start) end = self._normalize_index(idx.stop) if start is None: start = self.start if end is None: end = self.end + 1 return self._buffer[start:end] @overload def __setitem__(self, idx: int, lines: Optional[str]) -> None: ... @overload def __setitem__(self, idx: slice, lines: Optional[List[str]]) -> None: ... def __setitem__( self, idx: Union[int, slice], lines: Union[None, str, List[str]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(idx, slice): assert not isinstance(lines, list) self._buffer[self._normalize_index(idx)] = lines return start = self._normalize_index(idx.start) end = self._normalize_index(idx.stop) if start is None: start = self.start if end is None: end = self.end self._buffer[start:end + 1] = lines def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: for i in range(self.start, self.end + 1): yield self._buffer[i] def append( self, lines: Union[str, bytes, List[Union[str, bytes]]], i: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: i = self._normalize_index(i) if i is None: i = self.end + 1 self._buffer.append(lines, i) @overload def _normalize_index(self, index: int) -> int: ... @overload def _normalize_index(self, index: None) -> None: ... def _normalize_index(self, index: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]: if index is None: return None if index < 0: index = self.end else: index += self.start if index > self.end: index = self.end return index